Friday, 6 September 2024

PROC-9177093: Mouse surveillance and monitoring to inform leading practice

by Rose White

Responding to the significant economic impacts caused by mice in key grain-growing regions, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is advancing the next phase of mouse monitoring and surveillance. With a commitment to developing effective mouse management strategies since the early 1990s, GRDC has invested extensively in research to understand mouse ecology, behaviour, and population dynamics. This research has yielded practical strategies and tools that aim to reduce the impact of mice on the Australian grains industry. In collaboration with key research partners, we have enhanced mouse surveillance techniques, refined predictive models, and facilitated the adoption of effective management practices through robust communication and extension activities.


Building on this solid foundation, the next phase of our national mouse monitoring and surveillance initiative aims to integrate innovative automated monitoring technologies within the broadacre grains system. This phase enhances both traditional mouse surveillance methods and predictive models (Outputs 1 & 2), and includes field-testing advanced, near field-ready automated monitoring devices (Outputs 3 & 4). By combining proven surveillance strategies with technology, we aim to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of mouse management across Australia’s grain-growing regions

